Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Gift From Down Under

I have a wonderful friend who recently returned from Australia and while she was there she actually took time to think about me (and trust me, much more exciting things were taking place) and she brought me back the following fabulousness:

I am a lucky girl.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Walking on Sunshine

"Meret" modeled at Design Expo 2010
St. Louis Design Expo 2010
Traveling Woman Shawlette w/ Malabrigo Sock

Multnomah w/ Hand Spun Sheep Day 2010 yarn for Mom
Upstairs Lace Shawl w/ Dyeabolical Hand Dyed Lace Weight
First sock of Laguna Beach Hand Dyed from Yarn Lady in Bandwagon Pattern
Lily Pads at Forest Park
Walking path