...for me anyway. This isn't it unfortunately. I cast on 22 sts for what I thought was going to be a medium size Urchin hat that I would wear with true abandon. Alas, it was not to be. When you don't do a gauge swatch (bad Zillah) you don't always get the size you want. This project demonstrates the need for a gauge swatch all too well. Anyway, it's totally adorable and, while I can get it on my head, it would look better on a smaller little girls head. I used exactly one of the skeins so I'm thinking to do a little matching scarf and give it to a little girl I know. In the meantime, I will be looking for another suitable yarn in order to make another of these for myself. Once I figured out how to do the first wedge, the pattern just zipped along at about 15-20 minutes per wedge. Time to do some shopping for a nice thick and thin yarn.
Now that the holiday knitting is all finshed and at the post office, I am working diligently on finishing the Elizabeth Zimmerman Baby Surprise Jacket for my upcoming niece. It's moving along really well and if I focus on it over this extended weekend, I might even be able to get it finished. I'm using Laine du Nord's "Papiro" yarn and I just love the colors and the fabric it is making. I am also using the Boye circular needles from my little interchangable needle kit, and I gotta tell you, they're driving me nuts. I'm seriously thinking about starting to buy new circular needles as I do projects and investing in the good ones. I like the one pair of bamboo circulars I have so I'm thinking maybe more of them. I'm also considering buying some Knitpicks Harmony needles for an upcoming project. I'll see how I like them since they sure are pretty! So, last night I was surfing the web and I was over reading Crazy Aunt Purl and she had documented the confrontation between her two kitties for the new scratching pad she brought into the home. Apparently this scratching pad is very popular in the house. After looking at several comments and getting turned on to these adorable scratchers, I decided my guys needed one. Well, this afternoon I went to Big Lots and lo and behold they had the great Cat Scratch Fever Dance Floor for the kitties to get their groove on. (I think I combined decades with that comment) I brought it home, dosed it with the cat nip, and joy insued. They seem very happy and, I hope, they will figure out this is a much better choice for scratching than the speakers in the music room.
1 comment:
everything is better with catnip :^)
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