Friday, August 10, 2007

ZillahKnits joins the Blogsphere

Well, I've been inspired by all the great Podcasts I've been listening to on Itunes and I have decided to join the world of blogging. I expect this to become a place I can track my knitting projects and let my friends and family view a little slice of my life since they are located all over this great big world. At least this way, they can see how I'm spending entirely too much of my time and maybe they'll be inspired to buy me more yarn. (more yarn means future presents!!)

I'm new to the Internet Knitting Community and I don't know how involved I will end up being but it already seems friendly and I'm ready to kick back with a good cup of coffee and figure all this stuff out.

For now, pick up some needles and knit; it's good for the soul.

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