Sunday, December 30, 2007

Just When You Thought It Was Safe...

I started thinking this morning about what I wanted to knit and I came to the realization that although the "Holidays" are over, my knitting list has only grown. I have a number of projects I need to get completed over the next two months and I figured I would make a list here so I can keep track and get them completed. So here they are:
1. Wedding shower gift for co-worker - due Jan 11 - I'm thinking some round small facetowels like the dishtowel I did with a couple of pretty soaps.
2. 2 Co-Worker Baby gifts - end of Jan - Probably bibs or hats - these are quick and fun and whatever I'm in the mood for at the time
3. Mom's B-day gift - due Jan 28 (the 20th to get it in the mail on time) - I already know what this is going to be and I have the yarn, I just need to get my gauge swatch completed and get it done. I can't say what because my mom is my only loyal reader here that I know of. :)
4. Fred's B-day gift - Due Feb 22 (again need to be completed early to send by mail) - got the yarn yesterday and I've found the pattern on Ravelry so I just need to swatch and go.
You know, it sounded like so much when I was listing it in my head but it doesn't look too bad written down. I guess I better get knitting though.

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